In its 70+ years, D.W. Dickey & Son. Inc. ready mixed concrete and builders supply division has grown to a multiplant, multifaced, stand-alone division. With four (4) ready mix plants and accompanying builders supply warehouses. D.W. Dickey services everyone from the do-it-yourselfer to the major home building contractors, commercial, industrial, state and federal building projects. We are conveniently located to service the Ohio River Valley from Youngstown, Ohio to Martins Ferry, Ohio as well as points East and West.

D.W. Dickey has a full time quality control department, with concrete testing labs located at out plants in Columbiana and Steubenville. Through this department, D.W. Dickey can control the quality of its concrete from batch plant to placement. D.W. Dickey along with its four (4) ready mix plants and builders supply warehouses, operates 30-10 cubic yard ready mix trucks, with 1/3 of the fleet 3 years old or newer. Also 1-boom block & delivery trucks and 4 small delivery dump trucks, D.W. Dickey has a compliment of semi tractor-trailer flat bed and dump trucks to augment the hauling of block, brick, and bulk cement to the various plant locations. Each Plant has a manager and customer service representative to work with the customer on products and service.

We feel privileged to have serviced the tri-state area for over 70+ years, and appreciate the continued support of our customers and hard work of our employees.


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